
Manipulate Cardano Value Easily

Mesh provides a full set of value methods to help accessing, comparing, converting, and operating Cardano data.

Value Types Support


  • value
  • mValue
  • fromAssets
  • toAssets
  • fromValue
  • toData
  • toJSON


  • addAsset
  • addAssets
  • negateAsset
  • negateAssets
  • merge


  • get
  • units


  • geq
  • geqUnit
  • leq
  • leqUnit
  • isEmpty

Value Methods for Converting Cardano Data

value converts assets into Cardano data Value in JSON with parameters:

  • val - Asset[] to convert

mValue converts assets into Cardano data value in Mesh Data type with parameters:

  • val - Asset[] to convert

fromAssets converts assets into MeshValue with parameters:

  • assets - the assets to convert

fromValue get all asset units with no parameters (e.g. unit) needed

  • plutusValue - Convert Value (the JSON representation of Cardano data Value) into MeshValue

toAssets converts the MeshValue object into an array of Asset

toData Convert the MashValue object into Cardano data Value in Mesh Data type

toJSON converts the MeshValue object into a JSON representation of Cardano data Value


Converts assets into MeshValue with parameters - asset[] e.g. ada value, simple token token, complex value. Please check convertor.test.ts for more information.


Converts assets into MeshValue with parameters - asset[] e.g. ada value, simple token token, complex value. Please check convertor.test.ts for more information.


Converts assets into MeshValue with parameters - asset[] e.g. ada value, simple token token, complex value. Please check convertor.test.ts for more information.


Converts the MeshValue object into an array of Asset


Convert Value (the JSON representation of Cardano data Value) into MeshValue


Converts the MeshValue object into Cardano data Value in Mesh Data type


Converts the MeshValue object into a JSON representation of Cardano data Value

Value Methods for Operating Mesh Data

addAsset Add an asset to the Value class's value record with parameters:

  • asset - Asset to add

addAssets Add an array of assets to the Value class's value record with parameters:

  • assets - Asset[] to add

negateAsset Substract an asset from the Value class's value record with parameters:

  • asset - Asset to substract

negateAssets Substract an array of assets from the Value class's value record with parameters:

  • assets - Asset[] to substract

merge Merge the given values

  • values - MeshValue to merge

Add an asset to the Value class's value record with parameters - asset


Add an array of assets to the Value class's value record with parameters - assets


Substract an asset from the Value class's value record with parameters - asset


Substract an array of assets from the Value class's value record with parameters - assets


Merge the given values with parameters - values

Value Methods for Accessing Mesh Data

get get the quantity of asset object per unit, with parameters

  • unit - the unit of the assets e.g. lovelace

units get all asset units with no parameters (e.g. unit) needed


Get the quantity of asset object per lovelace unit


Get all asset units with no parameters needed

Value Methods for Comparing Mesh Data

geq Check if the value is greater than or equal to another value with parameters:

  • other - The MeshValue to compare against

geqUnit Check if the value is greater than or equal to another value with parameters:

  • unit - The unit to compare
  • other - The MeshValue to compare against

leq Check if the value is less than or equal to another value with parameters:

  • other - The MeshValue to compare against

leqUnit Check if the specific unit of value is less than or equal to that unit of another value with parameters:

  • unit - The unit to compare
  • other - The MeshValue to compare against

isEmpty Check if the value is empty


Check if the value is greater than or equal to another value with parameters - other


Check if the value is greater than or equal to another value with parameters - unit, other


Check if the value is less than or equal to another value with parameters - other


Check if the specific unit of value is less than or equal to that unit of another value with parameters - unit, other


Check if the value is empty